
  1. How can I order a Gift Voucher?
    • If you are a registered customer in srimartservices.in, ordering a gift voucher is easy. If you are not a registered customer, you can quickly register and all it takes a few simple steps.
      1. Once you find a gift voucher, Choose which denominations you want.
      2. click on “ Buy Now “ and click on “ Proceed “ for the payment process.
      3. And provide correct shipping address and choose one of our accepted payment options.
      4. Otherwise you can add more gift vouchers just click on “Add More”.

  2. Where are these Gift Vouchers accepted?
    • These gift vouchers are accepted in all respective outlets of a particular brand.

  3. Does a Gift Voucher have an Expiry Date?
    • Gift voucher have a validity period of 6 months to 1 year. However, the validity period may be change according to the brand.

  4. Can I Choose different types of Gift Vouchers on the same order?
    • Yes you can. There’s no limit to the no.of Gift Vouchers that you can order. You can add all your favourite vouchers to the Shopping cart and make a bulk purchase. The only restrictions to this are that delivery is all to one address. For a bulk corporate order, you can contact our sales team at support@srimartservices.in

  5. Is there any terms and conditions involved?
    • The terms and conditions for each Gift Voucher can be different. So, before choose Gift Voucher you can check out the terms and conditions and overall details.

  6. How can I contact evoucherhub.in?
    • You can contact us by email at support@srimartservices.in or call our helpline 8977068889.


  1. How can I pay for my Gift Vouchers?
    • We support different modes of payment options like Cash on Delivery and Payment Gate Way.

  2. Is there any hidden charges or taxes?
    • There are absolutely no hidden charges or taxes, you can pay the price that is mentioned in the product page.

  3. Will I receive an invoice along with the order?
    • Yes you’ll receive invoice with order. An email regarding the sales invoice will be sent to the buyer soon after the purchase. You can use this invoice for future claims, if any.

  4. How can I contact for doubts related to payments?
    • Doubts related to payment issues, feel free to contact our support team at 8977068889 or write to us at support@srimartservices.in

  5. When will payment be taken from my account?
    • Srimart Services utilizes an automatic online payment process. Your payment will be taken from you as soon as you place your order and you receive an order confirmation email.


  1. How are my Gift Vouchers delivered?
    • We have tie-ups with major courier companies and delivery is carried out through these companies depending on the region.

  2. What is the time taken for delivery?
    • The estimated time of delivery is 4 – 5 working days; however we deliver too many places much earlier.

  3. Is there any shipping charges?
    • Shipping is free for all orders for a limited period only.

  4. Where do you deliver to?
    • We can deliver Gift Vouchers to anywhere in India.

Order Status

  1. How can I check the status of my order?
    • Every order placed in srimartservices.in is provided with a unique order number, and it will be sent through email as soon as you buy the Gift Voucher, along with the sales invoice. Regular email updates will be sent regarding the status of your order.

  2. Whom do I contact for enquiring about the order status?
    • For clarifications and details about the status of your order, you can call customer support at 8977068889. Alternatively, you send mail to support@srimartservices.in

Voucher Refunds

  1. How can I cancel my order?
    • If you wish to cancel your order, you can do it within the period of 24 hrs. Our support team will be able to assist you with the procedure, and you can contact srimartservices.in through phone or email. The cancellations will not be accepted after the product has been shipped.

  2. If I cancel my order, will I get refund?
    • Once you cancel an order you will get the amount refund based on the bank terms.

  3. If the wrong voucher is delivered, will I get refund?
    • If you find that the wrong Gift Voucher has been delivered to you, contact us immediately in order to get the issue resolved.

+91 8121066064
Srihitha Shopping Services Pvt Ltd,
1st floor, Indra Dhanush,
Above Kesava Reddy Sweets,
Road no 2, Banjarahills, Hyderabad